Lakshmi Dream Foundation Inc.

Our father Shri. Remal Das Bhatia was a member of the Rotary Club. He believed in “Service Above Self” and dedicated a major part of his life in service to the community at large. Our mother Mrs. Lakshmi Bai Bhatia was the inspiration for all of us in doing good for the underprivileged. She focused on helping the poor in any way she could.

In loving memory of our parents we started the Lakshmi Dream Foundation, so that we may carry forward the work that they had started, knowing fully well that what little we do is never going to be enough to wipe out all the poverty or make the sick children in the world healthy. However, we can always start with a drop of love in the ocean that will create a ripple effect. Even if our efforts make one small under privileged child happy our work, through this foundation, would have the momentum and the goodwill to flourish in the world.

Suraj P. Bhatia (Raj)
Executive Director



© 2020 Lakshmi Dream Foundation Inc.